[Metin2Ranger] - Global Server

  • Autor subiect SauRRoN
  • Dată creare
  • Răspunsuri: Răspunsuri 1
  • Vizualizări: Vizualizări 245
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10 Noi 2017
Monede Dragon
Server Name: Metin2Ranger
Level maxim:120
MOD SERVER:pvM Medium/Hard/Easy
TIP: Old School-New School .
Canale Deschise : 3/4
ItemShop ! : ItemShop

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r1o--cPf9o

View: https://youtu.be/3zQ00hrkU8Y

Metin2Ranger a fost creat de catre o echipa cu experienta decenta .
Din primul moment in care intrati pe server veti observa facilitati pe care nu le veti gasi niciodata pe server oficial sau pe alte servere private, iar cea a sederii
dumneavoastra in acelasi o experienta unica si de neegalat .
Dificultatea redusa va face ca experienta ta pe serverul nostru sa fie cat mai confortabila, atat in PvM cat si in PvP.
Serverul este axat pe metoda de joc " easy pvm farm medium" toate evolutiile obiectele de drop si obiectele de upgrade au fost modificate astfel incat jucatorul sa isi poata scala personajul treptat si fara intreruperi.

Pe server avem doar 2 Regate : Jinno si Shinsoo.

Pe server levelul maxim este de 120 maxim.
Ultima armura pe server sunt king-urile vor urma si arme vechi precum rinata,desertica etc..

Pe server avem multi-farm block.
Ce face aceasta?
Serverul nostru va permite sa farmati doar cu 2 caractere in acelasi timp.
Scoup acestei mecanici este de a mentine un echilibru in comert. insa puteti contiunua sa va conectati cu toate personajele pe care le doriti.
Atunci cand unul dintre personajele dvs. are drop-ul blocat,icon-ul de pe bara de ferestre apare cu un X rosu .
Puteti bloca si debloca farm-ul unui personaj facand block pe icon-ul care va aparea in client.

Start server:
La inceput veti primi tot echipamentul necesar pentru un nivel scazut : mount, animal de companie normal,echipament si potiuni permanente pe care le puteti folosi inca de la primii pasi.
Magazinul Offline va va permite sa vindeti obiectele altor jucator,chiar daca sunteti offline sau in timpul jocului.
Kashmir Pachet:prin activarea acestuia, puteti decora magazinul offline astel incat sa arate diferit de alte magazine.
Cheie Inv.Shop : foloseste o cheie pentru a debloca un slot in magazinul tau offline pentru a vinde mai multe articole mai multor jucatori.

Search Shop: Sistemul de cautare a magazinelor creste comertul pe server,deoarece va permite sa cautati si sa cumparati orice obiect din orice magazin de pe server.

Evenimente : Calendarul nostru de evenimente va arata in ce zi si la ce ora vor avea loc evenimente.Programele sunt intotdeauna in "Ora Serverului", pe care o puteti gasi sub mini-harta.
Bonus Event.
Dublu Drop la sefi .
Dublu drop la metine.
Dublu drop la Carti
Drop de Pasaje.
Reducere cooldown pentru temnite/dungeon.
Prinde-l pe rege.
Cufar Lumina Lunii .
Cauta NPC/Tanaka.
Cartiile Okay Card.

BattlePass: Battle Pass iti ofera posibilitatea de a primi recompense pentru indeplinirea misiunilor finalizand toate acestea, veti primi Costume Voucher,pe care le puteti folosi pentru a le cumpara costume permanente in magazinul Battle Pass.

Costume: Costumele sunt ceva foarte esential in server,deoarece iti schimba aspectul iti ofera bonusuri suplimentare pentru a lupta impotriva mediului inconjurator.
Poti adauga pana la 3 bonusuri la fiecare costum, skin de arma sau coafura.

Biologul : Executarea misiunilor biologului a devenit foarte importanta pe serverul nostru.
Au fost create noi misiuni si au fost modificate cele existente.
Elixirul biologului : Elimirarea timpului de livrare a urmatorului obiect crate Biolog.
Elixirul Explorarii: Creste cu 100 probabilitatea de a livra un obiect biologului.
Recompense :
Nivel 30 -- > 30 Aparare .
Nivel 40 -- > 40 Valoare de atac.
Nivel 50 -- > 5% Tare impotriva monstrilor.
Nivel 60 -- > 4% Tare Impotriva bosi or 4% tare impotrivata Metine.
Nivel 70 -- > 4% Tare Impotriva bosi or 4% tare impotrivata Metine.
Nivel 80 -- > 1.000 PV or 10% Cooldown
Nivel 85 -- > 10% Reductie a daunelor (PvP)
Nivel 90 -- > 10% Cresterea daunelor (PvM)
Nivel 92 -- > 1.200 PV or 120 aparare or 50 Valoare de atac.
Nivel 94 -- > 1.500 PV or 140 aparare or 60 valoare de atac.
Nivel 98 -- > 10% Tare impotriva monstrilor & 10% Rezistenta semi-oamenilor.
Nivel 100 -- > 10% tare impotriva metinelor & 10% valoare de atac magic.
Nivel 105 -- > 10% tare impotriva bosilor & 10% semi-oamenilor.

Alchimie : Alchimia este ceva esential pe server, deoarece bonusurile sale nu vor trece neobservate si va vor ajuta in late game.

Raritate : Sa ne distingem de celelalte servere, de aceea am implementat sistemul de raritate care va da obiectului tau mai multa rezistenta si va creste bonusurile de baza.
Toate armele, armurile si accesoriile vor avea 6 tipuri de rarite.
Tip 1 : Comun : Nu creste bonusul de baza : Rezistenta : Scazuta.
Tip 2: Uncommon : Creste bonusul de baza cu 5% : Rezistenta : Normala.
Tip 3: Rare : Creste bonusul de baza cu 10% : Rezistenta : Buna.
Tip 4: Epic : Creste bonusul de baza cu 20% : Rezistenta : Foarte Buna.
Tip 5: Relic : Creste bonusul de baza cu 25% : Rezistenta : Excelenta.
Tip 6: Legendary : Creste bonusul de baza cu 30% : Rezistenta : Legendara.
Atunci cand personajul tau provoaca daune sau primeste, itemu se deterioreaza pentru a pana se "rupe"
Atunci cand un obiect este rupt, bonusurile 1-7 nu vor avea nici un efect asupra obiectului pana cand acesta nu se repara (*Desi poate fi folosit in continuare).

Pet de Nivel : Pentru a oferi un gameplay mai mare si mai mult divertisment pe server,am modificat sistemul de animale de companie, astel incat acestea sa poata invata cu un total de pana la 15 abilitati.
Abilitatile pot fi atat pentru PvM, cat si pentru PvP,astfel incat evolutia animalului tau de companie va fi foarte utila, atat la inceputul cat si la sfarsitul jocului .
Pentru a creste abilitatile animalului tau de companie va fi necesar sa ucizi sefii si sa obtii cufarul cu carti cu un total de 29 de carti abilitati diferite.
Poti de asemenea, sa maresti durata animalului tau de companie, sa-l redenumesti, sa resetezi una sau mai multe abilitati si sa deblochezi sloturi pentru a continua sa citesti mai multe carti .

Switchbot : la cat de buni jucatori am fost, stim de asemenea, ca schimbarea manuala a bonusurilor este o sarcina foarte plictisitoare, asa ca am implementat switchbot pentru a face aceasta sarcina mai usoara, cu un maxim de 5 obiecte in acelasi timp cu o schimbare foarte rapida.

Dungeon list: Temnitele sunt ceva foarte important in toate serverele, ajutorul sistemului nostru este foarte simplu si va ajuta sa verificati ce temnite sunt disponibile,fie in functie de nivelul tau.
sau de cooldown ramas.

Optiuni joc:panoul de optiuni a fost modificat pentru o mai buna interactiune in interiorul acestuia puteti gasi mai multe optiuni de configurare grafica,pentru o performanta mai buna.
Metin2Ranger was created by a team with decent experience.
From the first moment you enter the server, you will notice facilities that you will never find on the official server or on other private servers, and that of staying
you at the same time a unique and unparalleled experience.
The reduced difficulty will make your experience on our server as comfortable as possible, both in PvM and PvP.
The server is focused on the "easy pvm farm medium" game method, all evolutions, drop objects and upgrade objects have been modified so that the player can scale his character gradually and without interruptions.

On the server we have only 2 Kingdoms: Jinno and Shinsoo.

On the server the maximum level is 120 maximum.
The last armor on the server is the kings, old weapons such as rinata, desert, etc. will follow.

On the server we have multi-farm block.
What does this do?
Our server allows you to farm with only 2 characters at the same time.
Scoop of this mechanic is to maintain a balance in trade. but you can continue to connect with all the characters you want.
When one of your characters has the drop blocked, the icon on the window bar appears with a red X.
You can block and unlock a character's farm by blocking the icon that will appear in the client.

Start server:
At the beginning you will receive all the necessary equipment for a low level: mount, normal pet, equipment and permanent potions that you can use from the first steps.
The Offline Shop allows you to sell items to other players, even if you are offline or during the game.
Kashmir Package: By activating it, you can decorate the offline store so that it looks different from other stores.
Inv.Shop Key : Use a key to unlock a slot in your offline shop to sell more items to more players.

Search Shop: The shop search system increases commerce on the server, as it allows you to search and buy any item from any shop on the server.

Events: Our events calendar will show you on which day and at what time the events will take place. The programs are always in "Server Time", which you can find under the mini-map.
Bonus Event.
Double Drop on bosses.
Double drop to metine.
Double drop at Carti
Passenger Drop.
Cooldown reduction for dungeons.
Catch the king.
Moonlight chest.
Search NPC/Tanaka.
Okay Card books.

BattlePass: Battle Pass gives you the opportunity to receive rewards for completing missions by completing all of them, you will receive Costume Vouchers, which you can use to buy permanent costumes in the Battle Pass store.

Costumes: Costumes are something very essential in the server, because they change your appearance and give you additional bonuses to fight against the environment.
You can add up to 3 bonuses to each costume, weapon skin or hairstyle.

Biologist: Performing biologist missions has become very important on our server.
New missions were created and existing ones were modified.
Biologist's Elixir: Removed the delivery time of the next Biologist crate item.
Elixir of Exploration: Increases the probability of delivering an item to the biologist by 100.
Level 30 -- > 30 Defense .
Level 40 -- > 40 Attack Value.
Level 50 -- > 5% Strong against monsters.
Level 60 -- > 4% Strong against bosi or 4% strong against Metine.
Level 70 -- > 4% Strong against bosi or 4% strong against Metine.
Level 80 -- > 1,000 PV or 10% Cooldown
Level 85 -- > 10% Damage Reduction (PvP)
Level 90 -- > 10% Damage Increase (PvM)
Level 92 -- > 1,200 HP or 120 Defense or 50 Attack Value.
Level 94 -- > 1,500 HP or 140 defense or 60 attack value.
Level 98 -- > 10% Strong against monsters & 10% Resistance to demi-humans.
Level 100 -- > 10% strong against targets & 10% magic attack value.
Level 105 -- > 10% strong against bosses & 10% against demi-humans.

Alchemy: Alchemy is something essential on the server, because its bonuses will not go unnoticed and will help you in the late game.

Rarity: To distinguish ourselves from the other servers, that's why we implemented the rarity system that will give your object more resistance and increase the basic bonuses.
All weapons, armor and accessories will have 6 types of rarities.
Type 1 : Common : Does not increase base bonus : Resistance : Low.
Type 2: Uncommon : Increases base bonus by 5% : Resistance : Normal.
Type 3: Rare : Increases base bonus by 10% : Resistance : Good.
Type 4: Epic : Increases base bonus by 20% : Endurance : Very Good.
Type 5: Relic : Increases base bonus by 25% : Resistance : Excellent.
Type 6: Legendary : Increases base bonus by 30% : Resistance : Legendary.
When your character takes damage or receives an item, it is damaged until it "breaks"
When an item is broken, bonuses 1-7 will have no effect on the item until it is repaired (*Often can still be used).

Level Pet: In order to provide greater gameplay and more entertainment on the server, we have modified the pet system, so that they can learn a total of up to 15 skills.
Abilities can be both for PvM and for PvP, so that the evolution of your pet will be very useful, both at the beginning and at the end of the game.
To increase your pet's abilities you will need to kill bosses and get the book chest with a total of 29 different ability cards.
You can also increase the duration of your pet, rename it, reset one or more abilities and unlock slots to continue reading more books.

Switchbot : As good players as we were, we also know that manually changing bonuses is a very tedious task, so we implemented switchbot to make this task easier, with a maximum of 5 items at the same time with a change very fast.

Dungeon list: Dungeons are something very important in all servers, the help of our system is very simple and will help you check which dungeons are available, depending on your level.
or remaining cooldown.

Game options: The options panel has been modified for a better interaction inside it you can find more graphic configuration options, for a better performance.

Salut @SauRRoN,

Tichetul a fost inchis automat. Motiv: Activitatea subiectului mai veche de 24 ore.
Nu este deschis pentru răspunsuri viitoare.