Serverfiles Aurora

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  • Vizualizări: Vizualizări 157


Membru personal
11 Oct 2017
Monede Dragon

enum eCommonDefines {
    MAP_ALLOW_LIMIT = 32, // 32 default

// ### General Features ###
#define ENABLE_NEWSTUFF                                    // All lot of setting in config
#define ENABLE_D_NJGUILD                                // Enable guild option
#define ENABLE_GM_AFFECTS                                // Enable gm affects
#define ENABLE_FULL_NOTICE                                // Enable full notice
#define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY                            // Enable port security
#define ENABLE_BELT_INVENTORY_EX                        // Enable belt inventory extended
#define ENABLE_CMD_WARP_IN_DUNGEON                        // Enable command warp in dungeon
#define ENABLE_MAX_ADD_ATTRIBUTE                         // Add 5 bonus directly
#define DISABLE_STOP_RIDING_WHEN_DIE                    // Enable the player don't lose his horse after death
#define ENABLE_BUFF_DEAD_MONSTER_NOT_CLEAR                // Enable player don't lose his buff after death
#define ENABLE_IGNORE_LOWER_BUFFS                        // Enable the player cannot received lower buff
#define ENABLE_HIDE_WEAPON_IN_EMOTION                    // Enable to hide weapon pending emotions

// ### Reload Features ###
#define ENABLE_RELOAD_MOB_DROP_ITEM                        // Enable you can reload mob_drop_item.txt

// ### All Systems ### //
#define ENABLE_ACCE_SYSTEM                                // Enable sash system
#define ENABLE_DICE_SYSTEM                                // Enable dice system
#define ENABLE_GAYA_SYSTEM                                // Enable gaya system
#define ENABLE_NEW_ACTIONS                                // Enable new emotions
#define ENABLE_QUIVER_SYSTEM                            // Enable quiver system
#define ENABLE_SORT_INVENTORY                            // Enable sort inventory system
#define VIEW_PARTY_PLAYER_SP                            // Enable view party pm system
#define VIEW_TARGET_PLAYER_HP                            // Enable view target player hp
#define VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP                            // Enable view target decimal hp
#define ENABLE_SPECIAL_STORAGE                            // Enable special storage system
#define ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO                            // Enable send target info
#define ENABLE_USE_COSTUME_ATTR                            // Enable use costume attr bonus
#define ENABLE_SHOW_LEADER_GUILD                        // Enable to show guild leader
#define ENABLE_ITEM_ATTR_COSTUME                        // Enable item attr bonus system
#define ENABLE_CHANGELOOK_SYSTEM                        // Enable changelook system
#define ENABLE_SKILL_COLOR_SYSTEM                         // Enable skill color system
#define ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_NEW_ITEM                        // Enable highlight system
#define ENABLE_NEW_EXCHANGE_WINDOW                        // Enable new exchange window
#define ENABLE_BLOCK_TRADABLE_ICON                        // Enable block tradable icons
#define ENABLE_PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5                        // Enable 5 players per account
#define ENABLE_EXTEND_INVEN_SYSTEM                        // Enable 4 inventory per player
#define ENABLE_DESTROY_DROP_SYSTEM                        // Enable destroy drop system
#define ENABLE_ATTR_TRANSFER_SYSTEM                        // Enable attr transfer costume bonus system
#define ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_SYSTEM                        // Enable mount costume system
#define ENABLE_MULTI_LANGUAGE_SYSTEM                    // Enable multi language system
#define ENABLE_COSTUME_TIME_EXTENDER                    // Enable costume time extender
#define ENABLE_WEAPON_COSTUME_SYSTEM                    // Enable weapon costume system
#define ENABLE_SORT_SPECIAL_INVENTORY                    // Enable sort special inventory system
#define ENABLE_ALIGNMENT_TITLE_SYSTEM                    // Enable alignment title system
#define ENABLE_SPECIAL_DUEL_PVP_SYSTEM                    // Enable special pvp duel system
#define ENABLE_EXTENDED_COSTUME_RECHARGE                // Enable infinity costume time
#define ENABLE_HIDE_COSTUME_SYSTEM                        // Enable hide costume system
#define ENABLE_HIDE_COSTUME_SYSTEM_ACCE                    // Enable hide costume acce system
#define ENABLE_HIDE_COSTUME_SYSTEM_WEAPON_COSTUME        // Enable hide weapon costume system
#define ENABLE_HIDE_COSTUME_SYSTEM_TRANSMUTACION        // Enable hide changelook system

// ### Aurora Systems ###
#define ENABLE_CHANNEL_SWITCHER                            // Enable channel switcher
    #define SWITCHER_CHANNELS 3                         // Number of channel
    #define SWITCHER_CORES 4                             // Number of core per channel

#define ENABLE_MULTIPLE_STATUS_ADD                        // Enable multiple status add system
    #define MAX_STATUS_POINTS 90                        // Max status points

#define ENABLE_ANTI_EXP_SYSTEM                             // Enable anti exp system
    #define ANTIEXP_RING_ID 71550                         // Anti exp ring vnum
    #define ENABLE_EXP_BOTTLE_FEATURE                    // Enable bottle feature

    #define EXP_BOTTLE_STORAGE_LIMIT 79401000            // Limit of storage for the bottle exp
    #define EXP_BOTTLE_ID 71551                         // Bottle vnum

// ### Available but deactivated ###
//#define ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER                        // Enable woflman
//#define USE_MOB_BLEEDING_AS_POISON                    // Enable mob bleeding as poison
//#define USE_MOB_CLAW_AS_DAGGER                        // Enable claw as dagger
//#define USE_WOLFMAN_STONES                            // Enable for drop lycan stones
//#define USE_WOLFMAN_BOOKS                                // Enable for drop skill book lycan
//#define ENABLE_MAGIC_REDUCTION_SYSTEM                    // Enable magic reduction system
//#define ENABLE_QUEST_CATEGORY                            // Enable quest category

// ### Defines to use mode debug ###
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